Monday, May 25, 2009

That You Trust And Believe in Me

I just want you to know…
How important you are to me,
Knowing that you care and understand me,
…That you trust and believe in me.
i just want you to know…
How wonderful it is having you as a friend,
Knowing that you are always there for me,
…that you will always be my friend.
I just want you to know…
That I know how wonderful you are,
…That i do care,
…and that I do love you,
I just want you to know.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Second Chance

My absence to the blogger world is because I am under total confusion for a long time now. My confusion right now is that can you fall in love for the second time? Yes, I said it. I've been lately thinking about my friend who has certain uniqueness which has impressed me. The commitment for life has changed. Seeing another friend of mine getting married has changed my feelings for him. He was there always to hold when I was down. I remember being there in every aspects of my life these days. Eventhough we aren't speaking that much I think I want to lead the rest of my life with him. Will he understand my true feelings for him or will he deny me as I was once in love with another coward? Will god let me have a second chance to love which I'm sure that I would not let go off? Will my parents agree to me? Will I lead the normal life that has always been a dream for me? Am I doing the right thing? Is it possible to be in love AGAIN? Please help me... I need you guys to just let me know that I'm right because at the end of the day, it matters. I want to be in love again that for sure.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Back on the bloggerally...

Sorry people.. Raji was home sick for about 5 days... I just got too much love from my grandma on the food she made.. Anyways.. I missed you all.. I missed the blogging world.. and the story coming along the way people

Friday, May 15, 2009

Raji’s art of story telling

I know that I'm good at writing poems and posts, but lately I have this story which is sticking on to me as if it wants to be let out..Here goes my attempt to write a story which is always been one of my dreams. I hope you guys like it too. I know that I'm no J.K Rowling but atleast I'm gonna give a try. So please bare with and I also welcome a lot of comments and feedback.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Losing someone shouldn't stop life

Today, my dad lost his best friend. They have been buddies from school and they were really close to each other. They were married almost at the same time so we also got together as a family always. Late Babu uncle, was a joker and he always made us laugh . He had three children who were almost same ages as the three of us. Two girls and a small son. The look on my dad's face made me think about writing this post. I dedicate it to all the people who have lost all their near and dear ones.
Loss is a difficult concept to deal with, especially when it is permanent, and it is something each of us will be forced to face at one point or another throughout our lives. It might come in small forms, such as losing an important textbook necessary for a class.It might come as a bigger issue, such as failing a class and losing your scholarship for school. It could even be the largest form of loss imaginable: the loss of a person. Be it death or otherwise, you may at some point, or might have already lost your best friend, your sister or brother, your parents or children.
Loss leaves the survivor feeling hollow inside. You may go days without eating or nights without sleeping, and you may spend too much time thinking and over-thinking. Loss, especially in the form of death, is one of the most difficult experiences survivors have to live through. Sometimes it feels like you won't go a day without being reminded of the incident, and sometimes you'll feel like it is all you'll ever think about again. Personally, I've been there - I lost grandma last year whose value I realised only after she died.
As difficult as it is to see past something like this at the moment, you will get through it. What is important to remember is you don't have to forget the person you've lost just because they are gone. Sometimes when memories are the only thing left, it is important to grab onto them and not let go.Another important thing to remember is to talk about how you are feeling to other people. Stockpiling and bottling emotions will do nothing constructive - rather, it is destructive. You will decay away inside, and that kind of erosion is not easily repaired. Talking to friends, family, counselors, teachers, doctors or whomever only helps.

Blocking memories rarely ever works, if at all. In fact, recollecting memories with important people might actually help.If you feel like something horrible such as death is all you ever think about, you aren't alone.Many people have lost loved ones and can relate to your situation. It is also healthy to be sad or angry or to wonder why something happened as long as you react to such emotion in a healthy manner.
Don't let loss overtake your life. Losing someone, in death or otherwise, might break your heart, but broken hearts still beat, and you will make it through the tragedy.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Funny People!

Like every Sunday, today I was taken to see my grandmother..
She is a very sweet mother and grandma. Being a mother's day, she was given a chance to ask everybody any question she likes. First was my mom and after 6 people, I was the last person to be asked.

Here is the typical situation between us:
Grandma: Raji, when are you going to get married?
Raji(me): I have just not found the right girl(kewl)
You should have seen the look at her face, not a million dollar is worth it.
It was definitely a cultural shock to her but every other person at home was laughing their lungs out including my dad. LOL. It was a funny weekend not for my grandma...he he he :)

PS:I'm straight

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Take life as it comes

It is somewhat ironic how people in general react to the circumstances in their lives. Usually when we get the desired outcome you will often hear the phrase “you or I deserve it”. On the contrary, when negative situations happen we often ask: why me? Well, I do not know if anyone deserves or not both the positive and negative instances of their lives. However, there is something that I do know; it helps learning to take life as it comes.

Taking life as it comes does not mean that you should live without setting goals. It means that in negative circumstances you should maintain a positive state of mind. This can be achieve by keeping in mind that whatever comes your way you will be able to handle it. You may wonder how can I know beforehand if, I can handle negative situations? And to be frank, there is no way to know. However, it is up to you to comprehend that life itself is full of surprises both positive and negative ones. It does not matter how well you have planned or lived your life; you will still find yourself learning thru trial and error or suffering over circumstances that you have little control over.

Before you get discourage and start to wonder; then what is the point of taking charge of life if bad things are going to happen anyways? First, understand that this is the whole purpose of taking life as it comes. It’s accepting life issues without staying in a stuck state of mind. It is telling yourself, hey this has happened but, I can get thru it. If you accept this way of thinking you will feel more in control which will help you get rid of unnecessary over worrying. This way instead of interfering with your own judgment you will focus on a more important step of problem solving,” finding the solution”.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Life: A Roller Coaster....

Yesterday, you must have seen my post on betrayal by a long time friend... Things change and people move on. Sometimes when you think about it, it just makes you feel more miserable as if we don't have anything to worry about. Lets just take it up that they are not lucky enough to be our friends anymore. Like I said, things change so do people.

I have also learnt that betrayal can be forgiven and forgotten only that person accept the mistake. If not, well its their choice. Life has many twists and turns like a roller coaster. When you learn to enjoy it, its fun or if you want to make it a miserable ride, you end up puking :( . Today was just those days when you forget all your worries and have fun. If one door is closed, it means you will have a better door the next time. So does in my life. I always thought that friends are the best medicine. But when you have been betrayed by them, its just doesn't feel right. Okay may be some of the friends are bad. Not all of them. Here are a few friends who are making my life as gay as possible.

Today's Activity with some of the coolest friends ever has made me get back what I lost with other so-called friends. What did they do to make me feel sooooooo happy?

Took me on this surprise ride with my eyes closed where I was beaten as well as given ample happiness.
This surprise ride was organized by Praveen Chandar who found out that I wasn't happy for a few days now by just looking at me and watching my activities.

Co-organizer's: Prasanna Venkatesh, Nishanth, Raj murugan and of course, Akila (my only gf in college).
They kidnapped me to from class (half way through it) and took me to Mayajaal  to watch the movie Fast and Furious 4 and then we had lunch @ one of the most attractive places in Chennai which I've never been to all this time. It was so good right next to the beach and then we went boating in Mutukadu. We also went to the nearby beach and @ 6pm, they came to my house to have a mini-tiffin made by my mom. The best part of the day came when my mom loved them all and she also asked to come again ASAP to my place to have this kinda fun again. Thank you guys for making both, my mom and me, happy on the same day. My mom said that talking to these friends made her feel young at heart again. Nishanth has recently lost his mom and he just loved my mom and so does my mom. It was a happy day @ the whole.Loved it ! :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A friend who betrayed me

My dearest and oldest friend,
you have put our friendship to an end.
It is you that I depended on,
what did I do that now you are gone?
In your bad times, I've helped you,
I thought my friendship grew.
I believed you, but you broke my trust.
For you, I'm mixed along with the dust.
When I really needed you to help me,
just to do a favor, you didn't agree.
For that, I've lost something great.
You have closed the friendship's gate.
When we meet each other, we ignore.
For each other, we don't exist anymore.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Mother's day,Ma.

The greatest love is when a mother brings you in the world, and say I love you.
The first time she lay her eyes upon you and cuddles the bare soul of you
I ask you how do you return such love that has been bestoyed to you but to return love back and say I love you too.

Dear Mother,
Thank you for being there when I felt alone
Thank you for being there when I moan
For all thanks I can say
I just wanted to wish you a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Poem That Leads Me...

You cannot change some things in your life,

You cannot change the time that the sun rises,

You cannot make summer last longer than it does,

You will also find that your life is full of surprises.

If you try to force things or delay things, their value is lost,

Accept what comes your way, and do your best

Accept the treasures of life when they come to you

And try not to rush with decisions, and get plenty of rest,

Choose to make the very most of each moment,

Enjoy each day fully and totally too,

You only live each day once, so enjoy it

Accept what comes your way with patience, please do.

The ceremony of papad making!!!!!

Its a family tradition that we have to make Papad every year with most of us helping around. Since my grandma has three daughters which of one is my mom, we have this thing happening in my house. My mom being the eldest and the more experienced one in making that liquid( I'm not getting the right words in English)..Okay this liquid is called as Maavu in Tamil. Its a thick liquid which consists of a) Water b) Flour c) Cumin seeds d) Sago( Jawarisi) and last but not the least e) chilli( it depends on your taste). Put all these ingredients together and make a thick paste out of it.

Let it cool down over the night. In the morning, you will find my house flooded with the other two sisters. All are assembled in the terrace in the morning around 6 am and sheets of  plastic are laid on the floor. Then all the ladies in the family put mooruku vadam or other types of vadam.. This process continues for a week with different ingredients like onion vadam or Appalam or others etc. They are dried till they become hard. Then they are separated between the sisters. Its fun fun and totally fun during the whole process. Its like an all- girls party with lots of maavu in your hands. We, the little ones, get to hear a lot of gossips from our moms and grandmother. Its too good and one of the best activity that happens over the summer. My chance of doing this year was missed due to the fact my stupid college has re-opened and the tradition has been broken after several years. This year, I miss it and they will miss me too.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My mother taught me..

1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
'If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning.

2. My mother taught me RELIGION.
'You better pray that thing will come out of the carpet.'

3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
'If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!'

4. My mother taught me LOGIC.
'Because I said so, that's why.'

5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC.
'If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me.'

6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT.
'Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident.'

7. My mother taught me IRONY
'Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about.'

8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS.
'Shut your mouth and eat your dinner.'

9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM.
'Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck?'

10. My mother taught me about STAMINA.
'You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone.'

11. My mother taught me about WEATHER.
'This room of yours looks as if a Tsunami went through it.'

12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY.
'If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!'

13. My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
'I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.'

14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION.
'Stop acting like your father!'

15. My mother taught me about ENVY.
'There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do.'

16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
'Just wait until we get home.'

17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING.
'You are going to get it when you get home!'

18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
'If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that way.'

19. My mother taught me ESP.
'Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?'

20. My mother taught me HUMOR.
'When that lawn mower cuts off your foot, don't come running to me.'

21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
'If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up.'

22. My mother taught me GENETICS.
'You're just like your father.'

23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS.
'Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?'

24. My mother taught me WISDOM.
'When you get to be my age, you'll understand.'

25. And my favorite: My mother taught me about JUSTICE
'One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you.'
Sound familiar????
PS: Mail courtesy Prem 

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Back to college

Its always fun to know you are getting back to college after two months in deep sleep.zzzzzzz... I mean internship. College is back and I'm the mood to go to college, but one thing is pissing me off. I'm going to miss all my friends who have opted for Finance. I hope they will miss me too. I don't think our friendship will not end here and now.. I would also like to mention a few names with whom I've established my heart beat friendship... These people will not be forgotten in my life and will always hold a special place in my heart forever.
The names of these people..(not in any order)
Praveen Chandar
Arun Chakaravathy
Nishanth( my love... LOL)
Prasanna Venkatesh
You may notice that all are boys in the list but these guys were the only ones who helped through and through. The girls have not yet made any impact in my life. But doesn't mean I don't have Girlfriends, I just dint yet meet my soul friend. I gel with all kinds of people but mainly with the once who do not have ego..I would do anything for these people. I love them very much and they all know that I do. Thank you for being there for me and I will always wish to stay like that with you all. None of these guys read my blog except Ram. So I dont have to fake it.

Ps: IIPM may not be the best college I studied but its always the best place to make great friendship for life. I hope atleast these people don't betray me and my friendship because I cannot tolerate it anymore.

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Typical Evening in the Beach

Be it Besant nagar beach or Marina Beach... This will defiinitely be the procedure which I follow with whomever I'm with...
A nice dress preferably a salwar which is a synthetic material
Some people with whom you can have fun what so ever.
Little bit of money( konjam podhum)

1. Decide in the last minute to go the beach on that particular day.
2. Make sure you have the right apparatus.
3. Get in the car or bike(in case of my cousins) and zoom out to the location.
4. Get down on the sand and feel your bare feet in the sand.
5. Run with your slippers in your hand till the water place.
6. Get in the water and play all sort of pranks with the people you are with.
7. Try to get drowned atleast once. LOL
8. Get your dad go mad for doing that.
9. Get out of water and head to the shore to get dried up.
10. Sit on the shore and eat bhel puri or pani puri or masala puri or whateve puri available.
11. Then eat roasted corn.
12. Now you can feel that you are totally dried up.
13. Now head right to the bhajji valla and eat all the bhajji's available
       a. My favourite is Cauliflower bhajji although I eat onion, potatoes and yam(vazhakai hmm) Bhajji.
       b. Get to eat from your dad's plate also as you are the eldest and favourite child.
14. When that is over, get everybody around you to play : fire in the mountain run run run or running and catching or hoping and catching. This will take atleast 45 minutes of your time.
15. When you are all tired up playing, you realise that all that bhajji energy is lost.
OMG!!! What do we do???
Do Not Fear... DADDY is here..
The final step to finish your beach experiment
16. Get Ice Cream... You scream, we scream and we all scream for ICE CREAM.
My favourite  flavour is ButterScotch always.

The Result:
Best day you could ever have in the beach. Not get back home before they close the gates of the beach. LOL...
My work here is done. Happy to be conducting this experiment with you all... Glad to know whether you liked it...Your comments??!!

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