Sunday, January 17, 2010
Look whose talking… 55 fiction
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Déjà vu
Today I had this small moment where I felt that little moments have special meaning. I was walking towards the shop nearby my place when I saw a small girl not more than 6 or 7 was walking along with her little sister. I guess they were just shopping like me. This reminded me of how I used to walk with my youngest sister everyday from school.
Once, in school, I had project day wherein all our projects are displayed while we explain our own. My parents were not able to attend that particular day but we were supposed to get my driver to pick us up from school. We lived only a few streets away from school yet we had a main road to cross so they wouldn’t let us go alone. I was dressed up as “ Sarojini Naidu. I was in the 5th standard. :))) I was wearing a saree. So the day got over as fast as it could. Everyone loved my recitation about Sarojini Naidu. So I went down to get my youngest sister from her class Pre-KG. I was waiting along with her for our car. What I learnt from the watchman was that the driver had gone with my other sister and had asked me to wait there with Gayu, my youngest sister. It was almost for 20 minutes, I waited along with her. My sister was almost in tears because she was hungry. I gave her some water yet she was looking so troubled. So I took my chances, took the saree off me because I couldn’t walk with it. Of course I had my shorts and t-shirt under it. So I took hold of my sister’s hand and crossed the road on my own gripping that little thing’s hand to hard and walked home.
When I got home, my sister was too scared that she hugged me till mom came. Which was so sweet and I felt proud being the eldest. Obviously, the driver didn’t see us walking so he had waited and searched for us. Came back home to find us in our neighbour’s house. I was in trouble to take such a risk but I had to because my sister was almost crying. And it was worth it because of the hug from her which was priceless. :)) Now, time has changed. She has grown bigger and taller than me. She has her own teen issues to deal with and all the sisterly fights we have. She has fought with me and we aren’t talking to each other for about 5 months now yet I see her everyday. I miss that hugging sister who was looking at me as if that her life depended on me. After all, I am her BIG sister. I miss her.. My mom would always keep reminding about this incident whenever she had a chance. One moment which is so close to my heart. I wouldn’t let go off her hand ever..:)) Some things can never be replaced.
PS: That’s her.. GAYATHREE… My youngest sister.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Ruchika- The past, present and future….
Ruchika, the mere sound of the word gets me to bubble with anger and frustration. I am a person who HATES violence against women and kids. I’m sorry if I am being biased to the “SO-CALLED- SUPEROIR- GENDER”. This is not to affect the feelings of anyone but I need to voice out my opinion. Why does this outrageous thing happen to every single girl. Yes, Every single girl.
Nobody might know but the above fact is true. Your sister, cousin, aunty,friend, your own girl friend or any women for that matter would have gone through some kind of harassment including me. I was terrified when it happened to me, never told a single soul until now. Most of them do not tell this out. I once had friend who tried to hang herself after some pervert harassed her. You still wont believe that the fear in her eyes never went away. She is too scared of all men now.. She trembles every time, she is reminded about it. This not only happened here in India but also in other countries. I really don’t understand how can some be such perverts. You would not believe that statistics say that educated men consist of 70% in this population. Unbelievable isn’t it…. No, not for me.
I’m sorry for being rude to all the fellow MEN, but I have never trusted any one after it happen to me by my own so-called- best friend. When I confronted him about it, he apologies and says that he wasn’t planning it but it happened at that moment. AT THE MOMENT… my foot. I kicked him out of my house, asking him never to show his face in my life again. Damn you. Go to hell.. Who do you think we are sex machine or dolls?? The guy, who harassed my friend, who saw her walking with a IPOD, stopped his bike and turned around to do such a thing. He was fully dressed as an executive. She was devastated. You guys wouldn’t understand how this would make the girl feel, do you? She was unable to bear the pain which lead her to commit suicide. Now she is another Ruchika. I fight for her and will keep writing about until justice is provided to us, poor souls. I blame the god-damn country and culture for such kind of acts. Every girl is a Ruchika.. its just that no one is willing to talk about it. Even I wasn’t willing to talk about this until now.
I loathe every men in this world who acts like such idiots. I know some of them don’t plan it but isn’t it all about self control and discipline. Then why the hell do they put you in a co-ed school or college? To learn about these things and to understand the gender differences between each other. It is even disgusting to think of such a thing. And the worst part of all this, KIDS are also not spared. OMG, where are we heading at? At this rate, I guess its better that the world ends. I don’t want to live in such a filthy, dirty minded world with all this crap. This is basic common ethics or humanity- not to harm others. Com’on men wake!!! I beg you. After all, we are also worth living. Please for the sake of your mothers, daughters, aunts, friends, and every women. Please don't do such a goddamn thing.
PS: This post is to squash and ponder every men who even has the slightest feeling of molesting any women or kid… You guys totally suck.. You re worth nothing but a pile of shit… I don't care even if I was rude. I had to raise my opinion on such perverts. Watch the movie The Lovely bones to understand feeling of the deceased!!! and please sign this petition for Ruchika
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Blank- ( Blog-a-ton6)
This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 6; the sixth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
He had everything he ever wanted.He had the name and the fame. He never got out of words, ever, but when it came to writing a letter to his Darla... Blank, because she was not with him anymore. He was going to congratulate her on her 4th wedding anniversary. She had left him when he had nothing yet he wasn’t married…
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
2009- the year which passed with everything
I was too lazy to start writing what happened in my 2009 but I had a few of my friends who wanted me to write about it. Thank you guys for making me write “SOMETHING” again. Nowadays, I’m too lazy. Life is too boring. All I do is sit around playing Farmville, Cafe world, Happy aquarium and Pet ville. It took up all my precious blogging time. After some nice advice from a few friends( including bloggers) I’ve given up Farmville.. Will do the others to while I get going with other much more important stuff. Enough of my ranting about the present.. lets talk about 2009, the year which had everything.
The beginning was as cool as it will get with all my friends getting close and personal. We had the most funniest and most depressing moments this year. I understood the true meaning of betrayal by a best friend. I cried my wits out but it has to go on and I had others things to worry about. 2009, was tough. Too many friendships were lost and a very few I gained. My sister had also had a tough time getting VISA for her higher education in UK. Learnt a lot people tried to stop that happening. So many huddles and cries, finally, she landed there with no trouble. At least, that's what we thought but she also had some trouble. Thank God, my brother also lives in Leeds to take care of her. People are sometimes so rude and selfish. They do anything to have their life more pleasurable.
A lot of happy things also happened like the time I wrote my first OPEN BOOK exams which was awesome but tiring since we had to write from our laptop and stuff. The final part of the year was okay, I just got lucky to have such wonderful family who stand by my side at any cost. The part where I thought were I would lose my best friends was finally gotten over . Alas, true friendship triumphs… Last but not the least, I got a whole lot of friends and well wishers through blogging.. I’m grateful to all of them for their support and care. Blogging has become a very integral part of my life and I love doing it. Learning new things everyday. Accepting failure as well as success. I feel that every year has its own way of teaching us the most important things in life. Not to forget that we age every year. It is a pleasant living the life as it comes.. That me.. Take life as it comes…. Still going strong in 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year
As another year slips in to realms of our memory,
We stand in awe at the roller-coaster ride it was!
We have been sent up, down, swung and rocked,
Each day, each moment, without a single pause!
Today, we find excitement, concern, and optimism,
Even as the new year unfolds its mysterious maze.
On the threshold of the year to come, hope stands
Whispering that it will be happier, in many ways!
Here is to wish you the best in all that it brings,
Success, fame, and all your dreams come true.
To you and yours, all whom you care about,
Wish you a Happy New Year, from me too!